Thursday, July 16, 2015

Living A Happy Life With Family

Living A Happy Life With Family

As a husband to my beautiful wife for almost 5 years I haven't make her feel so especial for long time since we got married because of having priorities such as working daily to have money to buy for our daily needs. Waking up every morning preparing for work, the same activities day by day and it is a life cycle of being a human. I forgot the value of relationship as spouses we need to have time for each other; talk about inspirational things; romances and happy memories even go for a date sometimes due to tired body from work.

Figure 1 - Together with my wife.
Photo credit : Jean Beltran

Excuses granted because it's a valid reason, working the whole day is true tiring that is why most husband's and some of wives out there can't manage their family. Most workaholic spouses such as businessmen have their nanny to take care for their children because they do not have enough time to take care of them which result to spoiled children. I do have different situation because for the past five (5) years of being married, we haven't blessed with child yet and we still aiming of having one.

How to make your relationship grow stronger?

This is all about my personal experienced I am sharing to you and hope it may help you as two (2) person united by God in front of the altar or of the priest who made promises to love each other in times of happiness & sadness, in sickness and in health. But most relationship forgot their promises and turn into a broken relationship due to several and individual reasons. Let's go back to the question about how can we maintain a good relationship with our partner in life and make it grow stronger.

Photo credits : Jean Beltran

Well, as a changed husband I am making all the best to make my wife as a priority instead of doing hard work just to earn money. Yes, we can do it and it is possible to do that all you need is to manage your time well. Choosing a priority is a choice of yours as what others said "If there’s a will there’s a way" in Tagalog "Kung gusto maraming paraan, kung ayaw maraming dahilan". This statement is more than a hundred percent true, agreeable and it always appears on my mind from the day I changed my life.

Make your partner in life a priority for you to grow stronger and I'm sure you will live a happy life for both of you. A priority doesn't mean you will leave or stop working so that you can focus on loving your partner, that's not the best way instead managing your working time and family time it's a multi-tasking method. Professional people with happy family relationship were doing these habits.

I am a manager, not a company manager but a manager of my own life. Why do I claim that title? Because I now know how to manage my time for my work and my wife, managing priorities from time of wake up in the morning until the time of sleep in the evening. I am happy of the result as well as my wife, no more quarrels, heart breaks and conflicts of life because we did managed our time properly. Huge difference against the past situation of our relationship which we almost have a daily quarrel, we do have conflicts of schedule, having different priorities which results to a chaotic world of relationship. We've reached the level of broke up for several times, daily quarrel which turn into physical. There were plenty of tears dropping on her eyes as well as mine until I figured out the main cause of this chaotic relationship.

What is the main reason why most relationship doesn’t work?

This is really true, you must be aware if you want to turn your bad relationship into a good one and a happy life together. Let God be the center of your relationship and I assure you will feel that happiness you both are longing for. God alone can make you feel complete, satisfies your needs and can give you peace of mind. He can fill your heart with love and patience which are the main factor to live a happy life, God is the source of everything. The only reason why most relationship doesn't work because both of them doesn't know God and they didn't recognize the almighty as the center of their life and relationship.

Photo credits :

Where can we find God?

Bible, the bible is the word of God the good news was written in this book. The guide for our daily living, the answer to all questions in your mind, peace of mind, encouragement, make you a strong person, happy and fulfill everything that is lacking on your life. For God is love and can love unconditionally to anyone.

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